Saturday, December 08, 2007

Two Little Monkeys

Elizabeth is starting to be able to make out words, and I am amazed. She definitely is able to spell out the words (i.e. r-e-d is red), but we do have some interesting challenges. Lower case letters are confusing, especially when different fonts are used. Elizabeth did not recognize the letter "a" because of the typeface. The lower case "L" looks very much like the upper case "I" and even funnier, if she sees two "L"s together, she thinks it's 11 (i.e. y-e-"eleven"-o-w for yellow). Now, they say that most kids can't cognitively put together the fact that all those letters make words and tell a story, but I wonder. I sure remember reading fairly well at 5 years old, but perhaps I had just memorized all the story books that my family read to me. I do hear Elizabeth reciting parts of her books.


At 1:15 PM , Blogger miekow said...

We believe Elizabeth can actually read at this point. Her daddy was reading and writing around age 3.
We can't wait to see Elizabeth start reading and writing Katakana and Hiragana.
Proud Grandparents from Hilton House


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