5 weeks, 4 days
We were looking for a hat for EKW to wear today, while we hiked to a local park. This one is terribly cute, but doesn't stay on by itself. You should see the outfit it came with, though...
We were looking for a hat for EKW to wear today, while we hiked to a local park. This one is terribly cute, but doesn't stay on by itself. You should see the outfit it came with, though...
I realized today that EKW is almost too big to fit in her newborn clothes, so I am determined that she wear everything at least once. This cute outfit was given to her by her cousin Jue.
I think I took this photo, just so I would have something to send to grandmothers anxious for new photos of the baby.
Here's what happens when Daddy is left in charge. Yes, he made the shirt himself. I think its noteworthy that EKW threw up shortly after this photo was taken.
Somewhere around 2 weeks old, EKW decided that the most comfortable position for sleeping was one where her head is completely skewed from her body.